Marshall Dennehey Trucking & Transportation Emergency 24-Hour Response – 800.958.2447

    Trucking and transportation is one of the oldest practice areas at Marshall Dennehey. Our group handles cases in the state and federal courts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Florida, New York and Connecticut. The Trucking & Transportation Practice Group represents clients and their carriers in complex tort and coverage litigation involving all types of common and private carriers. The members of this group include shareholders and associates who have handled cases for large common carrier transportation fleets engaged in interstate trucking, railroads, waste hauling, taxicab, shuttle and bus operators, rental vehicle fleets and ambulance services. These attorneys have represented insurers and self-insureds in personal injury, cargo, environmental, hazardous materials, indemnification and insurance coverage issues, and are keenly aware of the impact of the sophisticated issues and interrelationships of the parties.

    Staged Trucking Accidents: A Growing Threat

    Staged accidents have become a serious concern in the trucking and transportation industry. These deliberate collisions are orchestrated as part of elaborate insurance scams, with individuals seeking substantial payouts through false claims. These schemes can result in significant financial losses and legal challenges for trucking companies.

    Our skilled defense attorneys help organizations combat staged accident fraud by providing early fraud detection guidance, preserving key evidence, and developing strategies to expose fraudulent claims. We work with state and federal authorities as well as the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) to ensure that claims are appropriately referred to the proper authorities for potential restitution. In certain circumstances, we offer pre-suit solutions to stop litigation before it begins—saving legal and indemnity spend. When litigation arises, we provide a vigorous defense to protect our clients' financial stability and reputation. Our attorneys have several decades of experience in this space to effectively and comprehensively combat this growing threat.

    From the inception of our firm, we have handled complex litigation involving the shipping of goods over waterways, highways and rail. With today's emphasis on the proper handling of hazardous materials during shipment, many of our transportation attorneys have also cross-trained in environmental and toxic tort matters. In addition, we have the full support of our appellate and toxic tort environmental sections to draw upon in the handling of any transportation matter.

    In conjunction with the firm's Insurance Coverage/Bad Faith and Appellate Advocacy and Post-Trial practice groups, we represent insurance carriers in coverage matters that arise from underlying transportation cases.

    The members of the Trucking & Transportation Practice Group are active participants in a number of the major transportation law organizations including the Trucking Industry Defense Association, ATA Litigation Center, ABA Transportation Megaconferences, RIMS, Defense Research Institute and Association of Transportation Practitioners.

    We are aware of today's focus on securing sound legal services at reasonable fee levels. Our firm has grown because of our sensitivity in this area. This is especially true in the transportation industry where many of our clients have large, self-insured retentions that necessitate close control of legal costs and expenses. Our trial lawyers take a practical, results-oriented approach to their cases. The firm maintains competitive rates through task-appropriate delegation which is consistent with the overall close supervision and client responsiveness required in transportation matters. We are willing to discuss, develop and implement alternative billing formats wherever possible.