Our Approach

With some 500 attorneys across seven states and neighboring jurisdictions, Marshall Dennehey is one of the nation's largest law firms devoted to civil defense litigation. Understanding your risks, educating your staff, managing your litigation, defending your position and focusing on a winning outcome is what we do.

We provide cost-effective, intelligent and pragmatic representation. We never lose sight of your goals and strive to exceed your expectations, from the earliest stages of a lawsuit to its conclusion. We empower you to make informed decisions about your exposure, and collaborate with you to develop a resolution strategy that is mindful of your bottom line.

Mutual Goals

We know what keeps you up at night. That’s why we work in lockstep with you to manage legal spend. Associates and paralegals are assigned to specified tasks to help contain litigation expenses. When warranted, we develop creative litigation management programs that track case volume, complexity and exposure to help shape budgets or alternative fee agreements. Internal teams work with our attorneys to ensure client billing and guideline compliance. Electronic diary systems, file monitoring, internal file auditing, and state-of-the-art time entry and e-billing systems all help us to control costs without sacrificing quality representation.

We hire our attorneys and employees with the expectation that they will complete their careers here. Our investment in attorney and paralegal training, mentoring, and professional development is your insurance policy that we are providing you with excellence in legal representation.

An informed client is the best client. When laws change or new precedents emerge that impact your business, you need to know—now. Our timely law alerts and publications keep you up to date on legislation and breaking court decisions. Likewise, as a value-added service we often provide clients with in-house, continuing education seminars to give your staff the practical knowledge they need to ensure best practices in claims handling.



Our Executive Committee:

G. Mark Thompson - President and CEO

Craig S. Hudson - Chairman of the Board,
Director, Professional Liability Department

Matthew S. Schorr - Sr. Vice President,
Director, Casualty Department

EC 2025

Special Services

We offer a number of special services to assist clients and other interested parties with unique or unexpected legal needs.