Attorney Profile
James M. Boyce

Areas of Practice
Contact Info
James is an experienced litigator with over fifteen years of experience. During the course of his career James has represented design professionals in a wide variety of construction law matters, including construction defect, delay and personal injury claims. In addition, he has represented design professionals in fee disputes and is also available to assist in contract review as a pre-emptive measure to avoid potential litigation. James comes from a proud family of engineers dating back to his grandfather who worked with Robert Moses in designing and building Jones Beach on Long Island. Prior to becoming a lawyer, James worked at his father's engineering firm assisting on numerous highway and roadway projects throughout the New York metropolitan area.
James also has vast experience in representing design professionals, owners, contractors and subcontractors in New York State Labor Law matters. Where possible, James obtains early resolution of all claims by way of obtaining voluntary discontinuances or by motion practice. If an early resolution cannot be achieved, James has the skill and know how to vigorously defend all claims up to an including mediation and trial.
When James is not busy representing the interests of his clients, he enjoys spending time with family, attending his son's baseball games, swimming and surfing.
Thought Leadership
“A Fall in the Right Direction: The Court of Appeals Requires More Than Just a Fall to Show a Violation of New York Labor Law § 240,” Defense Digest, Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2022