Our attorneys work hard to get the best possible results for our clients. Please review our recent litigation successes encompassing our four departments and more than 45 practice areas. You may search by keyword, practice area or year of result. 

Jury sides with dairy farm in snow and ice premises liability case.

We obtained a defense verdict in Lebanon County, PA in a premises liability case involving a dairy farm. The plaintiff was delivering propane to the defendant’s farm when he slipped and fell on ice. The shale lane on which the plaintiff was walking had been plowed following a significant snow event, but patches of snow remained on the lane. The plaintiff contended that the farmer failed to properly plow the snow or failed to use salt to treat the ice. The plaintiff claimed injuries to his back and left knee, including a tear to his medial meniscus.

Slip and fall case falls apart.

We obtained summary judgment in favor of our client in a slip and fall case. The plaintiff alleged she suffered significant injuries when she tripped over a rug at the entrance to a commercial building. She claimed damages in the high six figures. The defense successfully argued there was no evidence of a dangerous condition and that, even had there been, there was no evidence of actual or constructive notice. Summary judgment was granted. 

Dismissals of multiple New York No-Fault/PIP arbitrations.

The arbitrations were commenced by medical providers against the respondent-carrier for non-payment of medical bills insofar as the policyholder and the claimant engaged in material misrepresentation in the procurement of the policy, and in the presentation of the claim. We submitted a defense brief that included numerous exhibits, including examination under oath transcripts, an affidavit from the respondent-carrier’s underwriting department and screenshots of insurance premium payments from the claimant to the policyholder.

Defense smokes pipefitter’s claims.

The plaintiff, a pipefitter employed on a construction site, claimed he tripped and fell over a 2’ x 4’ metal stud, causing him to sustain a shoulder injury and subsequent surgery. The plaintiff sued the owner and general contractor under the New York State Labor Law. At his deposition in 2018, the plaintiff produced a photograph showing a loose metal stud lying on the floor of the construction site. When questioned as to who took the photograph, he stated his friend a co-worker, took the photo but that he was not there when it was taken.

Defense shaves $85K demand to $4K jury verdict in personal injury case.

The plaintiff claimed she sustained serious head and neck injuries following a two-car motor vehicle accident. At trial, we demonstrated that the plaintiff’s alleged injuries were largely related to pre-accident and degenerative medical conditions. The defense also highlighted the fact this was the plaintiff’s third personal injury lawsuit in a 15-year span. On the day of trial, the plaintiffs reduced their demand from $85,000 to $75,000. At the conclusion of trial, the jury returned a verdict of only $4,000.

Summary judgment for car dealership.

Our attorneys successfully obtained summary judgment on behalf of a car dealership. The dealership rented a vehicle to the co-defendant, who was having his personal vehicle serviced at the dealership. The co-defendant was involved in an auto accident with the plaintiff while operating the dealership’s rental. The plaintiff was operating a motorcycle, and significant damages were alleged.

Voluntary dismissal of client in asbestos mesothelioma case.

Our attorneys secured a voluntary dismissal on behalf of an aircraft parts supplier in an asbestos mesothelioma case. The plaintiff alleged he was diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of exposure to numerous asbestos products while doing home renovation work with his father in the 1940s; while in the U.S. Air Force working as an aircraft mechanic between 1953 to 1957; as a self-employed painter between 1958 and 1960; and as a civilian aircraft maintenance crew chief at the Willow Grove Air Force Base between 1959 to 1968.

Declaratory Judgment Lawsuit Against Licensed Property Location Service Dismissed.

We obtained a dismissal of a declaratory judgment action against our clients, a national firm and its principal, who specialize in identifying and reclaiming lost property for consumers, who do not realize such lost property exists. Plaintiff brought this declaratory judgment action on the heels of plaintiff’s having suffered a smarting defeat in an attempted class action lawsuit against our clients. In that underlying litigation, the lower court dismissed plaintiff’s lawsuit twice and the Third Circuit affirmed the lower court’s dismissal.

Defense Sends Personal Injury Lawsuit Down Amusement Park’s Lazy River

Our attorneys obtained summary judgment relief on behalf of an amusements park in a lawsuit for alleged personal injury sustained at the park’s lazy river attraction. The plaintiff and his family were business invitees at our client’s amusement and water park. The plaintiff alleged he sustained injury when he attempted to board an inner tube on the lazy river attraction, which was staffed by certified lifeguards.