Failure to Serve Tort Claims Notice by Third Party Plaintiff On a Third Party Defendant Is Fatal to Third Party Complaint
In McConnachie v. Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District (A-1380-20), the Appellate Division affirmed a decision by the trial court to dismiss a third party complaint for failure to timely serve a notice of tort claim.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey .
New Jersey Supreme Court Holds That Internal Affairs Investigations May Be Provided Under the Common Law Right of Access
On March 14, 2022, the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously held that internal affairs investigations are not protected under the common law right of access and, therefore, cannot be withheld based on confidentiality in certain circumstances.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin.
Appellate Division Provides Guidance for Redaction of Attorney Invoices When an OPRA Request Is Received
In Mears v.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin.
Failure to Complete Public Entity’s Official Notice of Tort Claim Form Not Substantial Compliance
In Gartenberg v. City of Hackensack, the plaintiff fell and was injured while walking on a sidewalk and alleged that the sidewalk was dilapidated, causing her to fall.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Col
Unanimous New Jersey Supreme Court Holds a Jury Must Decide If Police Officers’ Actions Were Discretionary or Ministerial
In Estate of Hiram A. Gonzalez v.
Police Department Not Required to Produce Records Pursuant to an Open Public Records Act Request
In Simmons v. Mercado, Docket No.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin.
Covid-19 Meets Extraordinary Circumstances Test, Permitting the Filing of a Late Notice of Tort Claim
Bernard Waddell was an employee of Hudson County, New Jersey
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman &
Discovery Rule Applied to Permit Notice of Tort Claim Two Years After Alleged Malpractice
In Talian v. Peck, Docket No.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin.
Appellate Division Rejects Plaintiff’s Extraordinary Circumstances Explanation under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act
In Anthony v.
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin.
Defending a Public Defender Under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act
The New Jersey Supreme Court recently held that the New Jersey Tort Claims Act applies to legal malpractice claims mad
The material in this law alert has been prepared for our readers by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin