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Excluding counsel fees from payment of future medical benefits based on future medical expenses as speculative is contrary to Sec. 306(f.1)(7) of the Act, which prohibits provider from billing claimant for any costs relating to care under the Act.

In this case, a workers’ compensation judge granted in part and denied in part the claimant’s Petition to Review. The judge also approved a 20% Fee Agreement between the claimant and her counsel, but as to indemnity benefits only. What’s Hot in Workers’ Comp, Vol. 28, No.

Under Section 440 of the Act, an unreasonable contest will always result in an award of attorney’s fees and a reasonable contest may result in an attorney’s fee award.

In this case, a workers’ compensation judge granted a Claim Petition and ordered payment of benefits for a September 17, 2020, work injury, but only through June 24, 2021, at which time, the judge found that the claimant had fully recovered from t What’s Hot in Workers’ Comp, Vol. 28, No.

Appellate Division finds no reason to disturb employer’s experts’ qualifications, to not accept their testimony, and rejects claim that experts only offered net opinions. Appellate Division found that experts provided the reasons for their conclusions.

The pro se petitioner appealed from a workers’ compensation order finding that his injuries were not causally related to his employment. The petitioner filed two claims, both seeking medical and temporary benefits from the respondent.