We obtained a unanimous defense verdict following a ten-day trial involving a cardiothoracic surgeon who performed a mitral valve repair and by-pass surgery on the plaintiff. Afterwards, plaintiff claimed he needed a "re-repair" surgery, immediately after which he suffered a stroke. Plaintiff alleged negligence from the first surgery necessitated the second surgery and an increased risk for a stroke. Plaintiff filed an Offer of Judgment for $1,799,000, and his last settlement demand was $1.5 million. Using our client extensively on direct examination. Utilizing courtroom technology to play snippets of plaintiff's surgery, our client walked the jury through the entire procedure and explained precisely what he did and why.  The doctor also was interactive with the jury, using and demonstrating with actual surgical tools, clips and heart models. We were also able to persuade the jury that the standard of care did not mandate that the surgeon order/perform a "re-repair" surgery.