The Superior Court affirmed the trial court's dismissal of Plaintiff's claims for wrongful use of civil proceedings (Dragonetti) and abuse of process which were brought against our client, an attorney who assisted a disgruntled heir in a dispute over his father's estate.   In the underlying case, the disgruntled heir, with the assistance of our client, filed Petitions for Accounting  and Objections to Accounting in the Orphans' Court, against his brother, the Executor of their father's Estate, who also held the Power of Attorney over their father in the few years prior to his death. The Estate would have been worth a large sum had the assets of the deceased not been reduced to nearly nothing while he was on his death bed, to the benefit of the Executor and his friends, and to the detriment of his brother.  Plaintiff alleged that the attorney and her client did not have probable cause to initiate and continue the underlying Orphans' Court matter.  The Superior Court affirmed the trial's court's finding that the underlying proceedings were initiated and continued with probable cause; thus, the case was properly dismissed.