Attorneys prevailed on their Motion to Dismiss all claims asserted against their clients, three employees of the state of New York. Plaintiff had previously been a defendant in a case brought by the Liquidation Bureau in New York state court, which resulted in a jury verdict against her for a large sum of money. The Liquidation Bureau then transferred the judgment to Chester County Pennsylvania, where Plaintiff resides, and initiated execution proceedings against her, specifically seeking to have the Sheriff of Chester County sell Plaintiff's multi-million dollar home and other assets. Plaintiff contended that the judgment was invalid because it did not result from a 5/6ths jury verdict as required under New York Law, because only 6 of 8 jurors found against her. She had previously appealed this issue in the New York courts; however, the New York appellate court determined that she, through her attorneys, waived her right to a 5/6ths jury verdict. Nonetheless, once the execution proceedings were initiated, Plaintiff filed Complaints in Philadelphia and Chester County against our clients alleging that as related to the execution proceedings, they were liable to her for violation of her right to due process, violation of her right to equal protection, abuse of process, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. She further sought an order striking the judgment entered against her by the Liquidation Bureau and prohibiting enforcement of the judgment. Defendants removed both actions to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and promptly filed Motions to Dismiss all claims asserted against them. The District Court dismissed all claims, primarily concluding that the full faith and credit clause of the United States Constitution required Pennsylvania to recognize the New York Judgment; thus, the execution proceedings were proper.