Attorneys obtained a dismissal of all claims asserted against our clients, a lawyer and the social service agency she worked for, by way of Preliminary Objections. Plaintiff, a divorced father of two, alleged in a Complaint f, that our clients are liable to him and his daughters for wrongful use of civil proceedings, fraudulent misrepresentation, defamation, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Our clients represented Plaintiff's ex-wife, the mother of his children, as related to custody proceedings. During a bitter custody dispute, the mother accused the father of sexually abusing their two autistic daughters, and engaged numerous social service agencies to help prove her case. The father protested his innocence but it took three years until the court concluded that the mother's accusations were baseless. The father then sued everyone who had assisted the mother in making her allegations, including our clients. After oral arguments were held, the Court dismissed all claims asserted against our clients with prejudice.