Attorneys argued, a Motion for Summary Judgment on behalf a school district. Plaintiff had alleged that she fell on cracked curbing at the Bushkill Elementary School. According to their Complaint, the Plaintiff's fall occurred on October 19, 2004 and suit was instituted on October 19, 2006. During their depositions, however, the Plaintiffs testified that in fact the fall had occurred on October 18, 2004. Numerous medical records substantiated the earlier date. An attorney prepared a Motion for Summary Judgment and Brief arguing (among other things) that the statute of limitations had expired and the suit was time-barred. At oral argument Plaintiffs' counsel argued that his clients were "confused" at their deposition as to the date of the accident. The judge was not confused however and granted summary judgment as to all three Defendants on the grounds that the Plaintiffs had failed to file their action within the applicable two year statute of limitations.