Attorney was successful in defending a workers' compensation claim where claimant alleged he was bitten by a brown recluse spider in June of 2008. Claimant did have significant treatment to his left lower extremity including skin graphs and wound care. It was discovered that he had previously treated for a condition called MRSA on both lower extremities. Also, he had alleged he was bitten by a spider in 2006, after being prompted by the physician that a wound on his lower extremity could be caused by a spider bite. The argument was made that this doctor formulated the claim for the claimant back in 2006, which the claimant tried to filed against a new employer in 2008. Claimant did submit medical evidence from his treating physician that he had a spider bite on June 25, 2008, that was premised on the claimant's allegations to the doctor. The attormey was able to submit unequivocal medical testimony proving that claimant's condition on his left lower extremity was not related to a brown recluse spider bite, but related to the ongoing MRSA condition. The claim petition was denied in its entirety and dismissed.