Attorney obtained a Termination of workers' compensation benefits of a compensable claim on behalf a prominent university which she successfully discredited the claimant. The Workers' Compensation Judge specifically found that her credibility "was a mess" and "stunk to high heaven" as a result of her inconsistent statements made during cross examination. This highly contested litigation also involved a Suspension, Modification, Review and Utilization Review Petitions. In addition to the Termination being granted, the Review Petition filed by the claimant seeking to expand the description of injury to include more than a sprain and strain of the shoulder and knee, was denied. Considering the claimant had significant subsequent surgery to both body parts, the university was not found to be liable for those medical bills. Finally, the Utilization Review Petition filed by the claimant seeking to overturn the finding that the physical therapy rendered to the claimant was unreasonable and unnecessary was denied. The university was also able to avoid being responsible for those medical bills.