Attorney obtained a defense verdict on behalf of an emergency medicine physician in a medical malpractice case after four weeks of trial. The plaintiff filed suit against a number of doctors for failure to timely diagnose Plaintiff's gangrene of the penis, scrotum and perineal area. Plaintiff alleged that the emergency medicine physician (and the attending physician and hospital defendant) ignored the signs and symptoms of Plaintiff's which ultimately lead to 17 surgical debridement and reconstruction procedures including temporary removal of the plaintiff's scrotum and placement of his testicles in pouches on his thighs. The plaintiff sought damages for past, present and future pain and suffering, including the development of complex regional pain syndrome, loss of sexual function, disfigurement, depression and the cost of future medical care. All of the other defendants settled prior to trial. Following several hours of deliberation over two days, the jury returned a verdict of no cause for action against the defendant doctor.