Our attorneys work hard to get the best possible results for our clients. Please review our recent litigation successes encompassing our four departments and more than 45 practice areas. You may search by keyword, practice area or year of result. 

Appellate victory on behalf of mall owner.

The appeal was brought before the Appellate Division, Second Department. The plaintiff was a pedestrian who was struck by a car in the mall parking lot and sued our client, the mall owner. The plaintiff claimed that the parking lot was negligently designed, which led to the accident. The trial court granted summary judgment to the mall, saying that there was no evidence that the parking lot was negligently designed, or that the design led to the accident. A unanimous appellate court affirmed.

Dismissal of medical malpractice/wrongful death claims against hospital.

We obtained dismissal of a medical malpractice/wrongful death action involving claims that the defendant hospital failed to properly treat vascular compromise to the lower extremities, resulting in prolonged hospitalization during which pressure ulcers developed, progressed, and became septic, causing death. Motions for summary judgment brought by five other defendants were granted.

Dismissal of claims against EMTs.

We obtained dismissal of claims in a negligence action in which our client’s EMTs “dropped” the plaintiff while transporting him to a rehab facility from a hospital after bilateral knee replacement surgery. The plaintiff was placed on a stretcher in his hospital room, but when the EMTs began lifting it to height, the plaintiff leaned over, causing it to tip over.

Claims dismissed in marine construction NY Labor Law case.

Our team successfully obtained summary judgment dismissing all claims against our client in a marine construction NY Labor Law case pending in Supreme Court Rockland County. The case involved bodily injuries sustained to an employee of our client, which was a sub-subcontractor at the site of the new Mario Cuomo Bridge. The property owner, general contractor and the subcontractor each cross-claimed and/or third-partied our client into the case.

Summary Judgment for Daycare Center in Wrongful Death Case.

We prevailed on a motion for summary judgment related to the duty owed to a minor business invitee in an alleged wrongful death. The plaintiff, the personal representative of the estate of a minor, filed a wrongful death claim alleging the defendant daycare center breached its duty to exercise the reasonable care owed to the minor while he was under the care and supervision of the center.

Discovery Violations Sink Plaintiff’s Case

We successfully barred all of the plaintiffs’ liability expert reports and testimony against our client, a septic installer, as sanctions for intentional spoliation of evidence in the case. The plaintiffs brought suit for alleged negligent installation of a septic system that they claim caused them bodily injuries and economic damages.

Newspaper Beats Suit Alleging Employee Status

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied a newspaper delivery person’s petition for allowance of appeal on March 30, 2021. The claimant filed a claim petition in 2018, alleging that he suffered serious injuries to his right leg after slipping and falling on ice when he was delivering newspapers. The newspaper asserted that the claimant was an independent contractor. The case was bifurcated to determine whether the claimant was an employee.

Social Host Act Does Not Apply to Gross Negligence Claims.

Carolyn Bogart was successful in opposing a plaintiff’s appeal against our client, a former fraternity member and social guest. In 2014, the plaintiff was a 20-year-old college student and fraternity member attending a university in New Jersey. After consuming his own alcohol, he fell asleep in a dorm room that was the location of an on-campus party.

Lawsuit Against West Virginia Insurance Broker Dismissed.

In a case where we represented an insurance broker, a Federal District Judge from the Southern District of West Virginia granted our motion to dismiss and dismissed the suit in its entirety. The plaintiff was a women’s fashion and accessory boutique. The suit arose from a dispute over the plaintiff’s insurance coverage for damages it sustained while being ordered to close by West Virginia’s COVID-19-related orders. The insurance carrier filed a motion to dismiss, and, thereafter, the plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the carrier.