Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. subrogee of George Lawrence v. Domtar Paper Co.,; 19 WAP. 2014; decided April 27, 2015; by Mr. Justice Baer

§319 does not confer right to pursue subrogation directly against third-party tortfeasor when compensated injured employee has taken no action against tortfeasor

The court held that the right of action against a third-party tortfeasor under §319 of the Act remained in the hands of the injured employee and that the employer/insurer’s right of subrogation must be achieved through a single action brought in the name of the injured employee or joined by the injured employee. Because the claimant did not commence an action, was not named in the action filed by the insurance carrier and did not join the action, the court held that the preliminary objections were properly granted and properly affirmed by the Superior Court.

Case Law Alerts, 3rd Quarter, July 2015

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