Attorney obtained a defense verdict in a medical malpractice case.  After lacerating his index finger at work at a grocery store, plaintiff presented to the Emergency room, where he was treated by our client, the Emergency room physician.  Treatment included the provision of antibiotics and the bandaging of the finger.  That night, plaintiff had complaints of severe pain.  Two days later the bandage was removed by a plastic surgeon who stated that the bandage appeared tight.  The next day plaintiff returned to the plastic surgeon with a swollen, blistered and ischemic finger, which necessitated fasciotomy surgery, with permanent impairment of the finger.  Plaintiff alleged that the injury was caused by a too tight bandage.  The defense position was that the bandage was appropriately applied and the injury was the sequella of the initial laceration.  After one and one half weeks of trial, the jury returned with its verdict in one hour and ten minutes.